Status codes
// Everything is as expected SpxStatusCode_Good: SpxStatusCode = $00000000;
// Something unexpected occurred but theresults still maybe useable SpxStatusCode_Uncertain: SpxStatusCode =$40000000;
// An error occurred SpxStatusCode_Bad: SpxStatusCode = $80000000;
// The requested operation is not supported SpxStatusCode_BadNotSupported: SpxStatusCode =$803D0000;
// The node id refers to a node that doesnot exist in the server address space SpxStatusCode_BadNodeIdUnknown: SpxStatusCode= $80340000;
// The client did not specify all of the inputarguments for the method SpxStatusCode_BadArgumentsMissing:SpxStatusCode = $80760000;
// One or more arguments are invalid SpxStatusCode_BadInvalidArgument:SpxStatusCode = $80AB0000;
// The history details parameter is not valid SpxStatusCode_BadHistoryOperationInvalid:SpxStatusCode = $80710000;
Node IDs
// The root of the server address space SpxNodeId_RootFolder = 84;
// The browse entry point when looking forobjects in the server address space SpxNodeId_ObjectsFolder = 85;
// The abstract base type for all hierarchicalreferences SpxNodeId_HierarchicalReferences = 33;
// The current status of the server SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus = 2256;
// Start time SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_StartTime =2257;
// Current time SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_CurrentTime =2258;
// State server SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_State = 2259;
// Build info SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo =2260;
// Product uri SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductUri= 2262;
// Manufacturer name SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ManufacturerName= 2263;
// Product name SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductName= 2261;
// Software version SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_SoftwareVersion= 2264;
// Build number SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildNumber= 2265;
// Build date SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildDate= 2266;
// Seconds till shutdown SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_SecondsTillShutdown= 2992;
// Shutdown reason SpxNodeId_Server_ServerStatus_ShutdownReason =2993;
Security policies
SpxSecurityPolicy_None = '';
SpxSecurityPolicy_Basic128Rsa15 = '';
SpxSecurityPolicy_Basic256 = '';
SpxSecurityPolicy_Basic256Sha256 = '';
// The canonical identifier for the node SpxAttributes_NodeId = 1;
// The class of the node SpxAttributes_NodeClass = 2;
// A non-localized, human readable name forthe node SpxAttributes_BrowseName = 3;
// A localized, human readable name for thenode SpxAttributes_DisplayName = 4;
// A localized description for the node SpxAttributes_Description = 5;
// Indicates which attributes are writeable SpxAttributes_WriteMask = 6;
// Indicates which attributes are writeable bythe current user SpxAttributes_UserWriteMask = 7;
// Indicates that a type node may not beinstantiated SpxAttributes_IsAbstract = 8;
// Indicates that forward and inversereferences have the same meaning SpxAttributes_Symmetric = 9;
// The browse name for an inverse reference SpxAttributes_InverseName = 10;
// Indicates that following forward referenceswithin a view will not cause a loop SpxAttributes_ContainsNoLoops = 11;
// Indicates that the node can be used tosubscribe to events SpxAttributes_EventNotifier = 12;
// The value of a variable SpxAttributes_Value = 13;
// The node id of the data type for thevariable value SpxAttributes_DataType = 14;
// The number of dimensions in the value SpxAttributes_ValueRank = 15;
// The length for each dimension of an arrayvalue SpxAttributes_ArrayDimensions = 16;
// How a variable may be accessed SpxAttributes_AccessLevel = 17;
// How a variable may be accessed after takingthe user's access rights into account SpxAttributes_UserAccessLevel = 18;
// Specifies (in milliseconds) how fast theserver can reasonably sample the value for changes SpxAttributes_MinimumSamplingInterval = 19;
// Specifies whether the server is activelycollecting historical data for the variable SpxAttributes_Historizing = 20;
// Whether the method can be called SpxAttributes_Executable = 21;
// Whether the method can be called by thecurrent user. SpxAttributes_UserExecutable = 22; |